April 12 @ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
From: Bob Mullaly <rmullaly@comcast.net>
Date: 2/23/25 8:05 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: KDSchneider00@gmail.com
Subject: All Corvette Show - Corvettes of Naples
COTG Members,
Corvettes of Naples is hosting an All-Corvette car show on Saturday, April 12, 2025.
The show will be held at Bonita Springs High School, 25592 Imperial Parkway, Bonita Springs.
The show will run from 9am-3pm. Registration will be 9am-noon. Judging will begin at noon. Judging will be done by Judges Car Shows. Over 75 trophies. Each generation of Corvettes will have their own category, both stock and modified.
$30 pre-registration is open until Thursday at 10am before the show. Register at www.judgescarshows.com Registration is $35 the day of the show. You can also scan the QR code on the flyer to register.
Food, music, 50/50 raffle, Chinese raffle, and vendors will all be part of the show. Trophies will be awarded at 3pm.
A club participation trophy and $125 will be presented to the club with the highest number of Corvettes. A minimum of 12 cars will be required. Corvettes of Naples is hosting and is not eligible for this award.
Take a look at the flyer to see what class you are in and get your car ready. Pre-registration is open now at judgescarshows.com
I hope you can bring some Corvettes to our show. I can reserve spaces for you if you let me know many are coming. Please let your members know about this show.
Bob Mullaly
Vice-president, Competition
Corvettes of Naples